Anser X1 from Novice to Pro

Anser X1 from Novice to Pro

Description of the content of the box.

You will be able to find the following:

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Por favor iniciar sesión para contactar al responsable.
Responsable Moisés Espada Fernández
Última actualización 10/01/2024
Miembros 3
Básico X1 tutorials
  • I - Knowing your equipment
    3Lecciones ·
    • 1.* X1 Controller Unboxing
    • 2.* X1 Printhead Unboxing
    • 3.* X1 Hardware Overview
  • II - Upgrading the system
    2Lecciones ·
    • 4.* Upgrading the system
    • 5.* X1 printhead upgrade
  • III - Initial Setup
    5Lecciones ·
    • 6.* X1 Setup Wizard
    • 7.* X1 Photocell Settings
    • 8.* X1 Encoder Settings
    • 9.* X1 Encoder and Sensor Usage Scenarios
    • 10.* X1 Dual Production Line Setup
  • IV - Editor * Message
    16Lecciones ·
    • X1 add Barcode Obj
    • X1 Add Counter Obj
    • X1 Add DateTime
    • X1 Add Image Obj
    • X1 Add Shape Obj
    • X1 Add Shift Obj
    • X1 Add Text Obj
    • X1 Editor Tools
    • X1 Export & Import Files
    • X1 Interface Screen Projection
    • X1 Printing Delays
    • X1 Repeat Print
    • X1 Scan & Print
    • X1 Scan & Select
    • X1 Stitch Print Station v2
    • X1 User Varable Input